West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont
Woodland Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC051682

Join us today to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into community ownership

Catch up with WSWG news

We are a Community Project which means that without local support we won’t be able to go forward with plans to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community ownership. You can read here about our latest progress, some of the projects and activities we’re involved in and our ideas going forward. Also here  are some wonderful blogs for WSWG from Margaret Lear and The Barefoot Woodland Wanderer!

You can go back through the archives from 2018 to learn more about our whole journey so far to bring Taymount and Five Mile Wood into community ownership.

Please join us and let’s make this happen together.

Community Monthly Update – July 2022

Our big thing this month was the first General Meeting of the WSWG SCIO, involving the retiral of the three interim trustees and the election of a new Board of Trustees to take WSWG forward as a charity. We had sent out a “GM Pack” to keep our WSWG membership informed, invite them to the GM and seek nominations for WSWG Members willing to become Trustees. The meeting was held at the Tayside Hotel in Stanley on 20 June with the formal proceedings followed by the opportunity to chat together over a cup of tea.

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West Stormont Woodland Group

Community Monthly Update – June 2022

The main thing we have been focusing on this month is the legal obligation for the new WSWG SCIO to hold its first general meeting (GM) “as soon as practicably possible” after SCIO registration which was on 5 April 2022. The main purpose of the GM is for the current Interim Trustees to resign and a new Board of Trustees to be elected by WSWG members.

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Community Monthly Update – May 2022

May Day sightings and soundings in Taymount Wood this year included three pairs of common crossbills, blackcap, willow warblers, jays, song thrushes, sparrowhawk, robins, blackbird, woodcock, siskins, greenfinch, wrens, wood pigeon, great tits, coal tits, great spotted woodpecker and (… summer’s nearly here!) TWO swallows.

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A Scraping of “Spring Flowers in the Woods”

Although I was born and grew up in a London suburb, awareness of nature was hammered into me, partly by my family, partly by primary school, where the “nature table” was obligatory in every classroom and was always piled high with artefacts, and partly by the nature books that lay around the house. It was while poring over these behind the sofa that I began to learn my flowers.

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Community Monthly Update – April 2022

Our big news of the month is that on 5th April West Stormont Woodland Group was officially registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). The SCIO number is SC051682. WSWG will shortly be looking for a few more WSWG members to join as Trustees to help guide the group in its environmental, recreational and woodland acquisition aspirations.

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Community Monthly Update – March 2022

We’ve been enjoying the lovely bursts of spring weather in between the grey and wet days! We hope you have been too. On 4 March and 13 March, 17 enthusiastic volunteers turned out for our WSWG “Protect a Wild Tree” events in Taymount Wood. A fun time was had by all and even the weather was good to us!

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Community Monthly Update – February 2022

There has been more windblow in both woods during the recent successive storms of early 2022. Although we have still come off relatively lightly, there appears to be a bit more damage in Five Mile Wood than Taymount, but it has added to the clearance work required already from Storm Arwen.

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Community Monthly Update – November 2021

It does seem to be all very administrative news this month! But a lovely thing to let you in on is that there continues to be a pleasingly steady flow of new people signing up as WSWG members, and welcome to all. The most recent local people joining have taken us up to 472 Members with a further 282 named Supporters on our books.

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Community Monthly Update – October 2021

“Soggy Saturday in October” – this month’s wonderfully descriptive blog from Margaret Lear on the “olfactory hamper” that is Five Mile Wood at this time of year. Although it has to be said that we have had some amazingly warm and sunny weather this month too!

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Soggy Saturday in October

The turn of the season is felt, not so much as a drop in temperature or the way the need for warm socks and waterproofs creeps up on you, but in the way the woods smell different. Decaying leaves, leaves still on the trees but for whom decay is imminent: the smell, for me, of being 11 years old and at a new school, where our introduction to Biology was the invitation to compile a Biology Scrapbook over the course of a year.

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