Light and shade play across the core path in Taymount Wood, 22 January 2025
What will WSWG be doing this year?
Starting as we mean to go on throughout the year … by loving our woods in their own right and also for what they can do for us.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this little virtual stroll through Taymount Wood this January. It’s there for real if you are inspired to go explore too. It’s a wonderful place for the senses and more besides, from majestic scale to tiny close encounters.
Word of the Month
January: The name derives from Janus who, in ancient Roman culture, was the god protecting doorways, beginnings and transitions, as well as the rising and setting of the sun. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, one looking into the future.
What’s coming up next?
WSWG is certainly using this January for looking into the future. First and foremost on that front, we are working hard on our application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with more information to come on that in future Community Monthly Updates. Here’s a flavour of what else is in the pipeline.
We still have a few events and activities to complete under our WizzyWARP24 programme, funded by the PKC Green Living Fund.
The new Art and Ecology Project focusing on Moths will start in the spring.
WSWG is one of four community projects being showcased at a Perthshire Nature Connections Partnership event in March.
There will as usual be events and activities throughout the year, with possibilities being more bushcraft for children, forest bathing, woodland picnics, light vegetation clearance along the core path and conservation activities such as tubing naturally regenerating broadleaf tree species.
It would be lovely to create a monthly photographic record of the woods throughout 2025, so if anybody would like to help with that, please do get in touch soon.
And of course, we always encourage people to participate in National Surveys (eg for Butterfly Conservation, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust or the Bat Conservation Trust). Perhaps WSWG could host a Bat Walk?
Likewise, we would be delighted to hear any ideas you have for events or activities for different ages and abilities, so please do get in touch with any suggestions or requests.
So, hopefully January will be a wonderful doorway to the rest of 2025 for all of us. Let’s make good things happen.